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For reference on how fresh this game is in case you don't want to read a shitpost review (warning: mid level rat speed run):

Part 1 - The Bible’s Presence in a Changing World

I’m not sure what this strapping young gentlemen is and what events lead him down this road of mystique but what I do know is that SOMETIMES when I press the precious W key he flashes blue and changes form; I’m guessing to indicate that he’s taken damage but I’m not sure from what unless slowing down at seemingly random distances is considered an attack.

If the chutzpah enveloped lad can attack from the following distance I feel like they should also be able to attack from closer up (closer up being at the distance in which they stop when put up against Strapping Young Gentlemen)

Part 2 - Hideaki Anno’s End of Evangelion

I believe the UI number at the top of the screen is supposed to be distance traveled, or at least that is the impression I have at time of writing this sentence (5:55 PM CST), my first thought was that it was your speed in all honesty. I am going to attempt to get through the level twice to see if it is distance traveled. 

Part 3 - Art’s Death in 2013 With Super Mario 3D World

I absolutely love that you can go flying like this

The main aspect holding this project back is all the clutter in the start of the level and how if you hit something you’re sent right back to start- the problem is one point where need speed is after one of the most cluttered parts in the level

This design encourages us to slow down right before the moment where we should be trying to go as fast as possible so we can make the jump.

I’d personally adjust this so rather than sending you back to start the roadblocks just make you fly with whacky unity physics and only do a reset if they fall off the stage. AN ALTERNATIVE is to make the stage less cluttered at the start but I do think they are really good for decor.

Upon doing another play through trying to get back to the pins I’ve found myself dying when I don’t feel like I was at fault because of how unpredictable whacky unity physics tends to be.

Out of the numerous attempts I’ve made I’ve only successfully hit the pins twice and another victory from sliding down a different track that didn’t have pins- the point of that statement is to say that I could do multiple attempts and that I found the game fun enough to do so as oppose to your previous work Turn Coat Rat where I could barely get a grip on having the mechanics of the game work enough to do multiple runs.

This game captures the impressive and surreal style of turn coat rat with the childlike fantasy of bashing a stolen shopping cart into the pins of God.

The game play is solid and it feels great to go fast.

What I would improve is maybe indicate that the W key acts as both slowing down and attacking- perhaps indicate this by having them do a spin or have them do something like a powerslide

I’d really like to see more from this game, perhaps with some fine tuning on the stage layout to be less about trying to get to the end and more about how you get to the end you could easily make this into a full game with a handful of shorter stages, maybe set up a timer on the top part of the screen instead of distance (timer would ideally stop once you get to the end), and have some kind of story about a man defiling the world’s supply of large pins as perhaps the law tries to stop him (maybe have a rival character kinda like Reala in NiGHTs but he’s a police person who also uses a shopping cart and he tries to race fight you) and I can see this being something worth a bit of money.